Friday, May 26, 2006

Can I go?

Oprah's Legends Ball.

I don't care how you feel about Oprah. I personally am pretty wishy washy when it comes to her. I am deliriously jealous is part of the problem. But like I said, I don't care how you feel about her the woman works miracles. This Legends Ball event was beyond amazing. And all I can say is, "Can I get an invite?"

I mean lets start with things you must admit. The first being is that Oprah has too much damn money!!!!! She bought a trolley so the women would not have to walk up and down the hill to the picture site. She gave each women a set of diamond earrings in a silver box. She had enough money that when she hired servants for the luncheon - all of them, all of them were white (bet a lot of you didn't notice that). I mean if there were a definition of someone with just too much money, Oprah's picture would be by it.
Second, if Oprah invites you to something, you do NOT say no. Gail was like people are calling and cancelling and people were calling to say that they were coming at the last minute. People, best better believe, if Oprah is hosting something, you want to be in attendance because its not just like she invites any old body cuz if that was the case then my mama would have been invited. I mean this woman knows how to throw a three day, lavish, ridiculous affair.
Third, Oprah is an ugly woman. I know, I know this seems a mean thing to say, but my friends its so very true. She has never been pretty. I know you have seen the Color Purple AND Beloved AND the scene on the Legends so where they are taste-testing the food and she has those little straight-back cornrows in her head. I thought at any moment she was going to break out and say, "You told Harpo to beat me." She looked a hot mess. You can tell that for Oprah makeup is not a "I can go without it" item.
Finally, the last thing you must admit is that noone throws anything like Oprah. From the decorations to the invitations, the event was first class. Which brings me back to my second point - how could anyone say no!?

I wanted to say that I truly enjoyed the honoring of some of my favorites such as Patti Labelle and Aretha and Chaka. These women have truly blessed our lives. We can all only hope that they don't stop making them like that. Those who Oprah chose as the youngins were a little scary but I appreciate the gesture she was trying to make. Even though I still think Ashanti, Mary J and Mariah could have stayed home. It was a beautiful thing to see Phyllicia Rashad and Cecily Tyson. They are two of the greats. I want to say thanks to Oprah for pulling the event off, because the words needed to be said - Thank You. We needed to thank these women for forging the path for all of us women to follow, to be proud of ourselves and our womanhood. So no matter how you feel about Oprah, she did a good thing.

Friday, May 19, 2006

It's Not You, It's Me.....

"It's not You, babe. It's Me. No, really....."

Words said when you are trying to let someone down easy. You know, take the blame for the relationship going south. But as I listened to my sister breakup with her boyfriend last night and contemplate my own "relationship" demise, I think of how I might have said these words OR worse yet, have them said to me as in, "Well it's not me breaking up with you, it's your choice," from the sig. other. This is their way of making you feel guilty, like you are a quitter in the relationship and just couldn't handle it.

Well guess what mofos! ITS NOT US - ITS YOU!!!!
and guess what else - IT IS MY CHOICE AND GUESS WHAT I DON'T CHOOSE - YOU!!!

Relationships are hard. That is the bottom line people. Seriously. You can't be in a relationship without giving something up. You just have to decide what that is. If it's something you just can't possibly live without, either you need to reexamine your priorties or it's time to say, "Adios, this has run its course." I am so tired of people hanging on to relationships for the sake of having a relationship. I am a massive victim of this for the past year. I mean I would rather be involved than uninvolved - just another thing to do rather than be bored. Isn't that pathetic? I need to take up a hobby if I am that apathetic about my relationship.

The problem isn't that I don't like the guy. He's sweet to a certan extent but when I fear bringing him around the people I love the most there is obviously a severe problem here. I am severely tired of feeling like as a woman I should be treated as someone who can be undervalued just because there is a severe shortage of good men out there. I am also tired of being told that I am unapproachable because I am smart, well educated, speak my mind, don't talk like a "nigga," "affluent," and expect my man to be the same. When did it become I have to lower my standards? There are somethings you just don't want out of a man, let alone can not reconcile yourself to deal with for the rest of your life so why try? But yet here I am in this relationship striving to make it work because "Essence,""Sister," and "Jet" magazines are all telling me not to count out the thug brother. And they are right but untimately, me and this male are uncompatible. While he wants to kick on the streets and hang out in the damn club - I want to go see Lion King on Broadway - you see how we could run into some severe issues here?

And men, I know it isn't all your fault. Some women are doing some piss poor jobs of raising good men these days. And men I also know we women ain't got all our s*it together either. Too many women willing to settle and won't make men work for it. Too many women not acting right when they have a good men turning the man all jaded and messed up for the rest of us. Too many women, of all races mind you, thinking its ok to take marriage lightly and be stepping out or letting themselves be stepped on... this stuff has got to stop! If I read one more article about how there is no hope for successful women or see one more picture where black women of power are listed and all of these women have Ms. by there name... I am gonna frickin flip! I would give up but I am true woman and realize that I need a man - not to complete me mind you - but as a companion and that is the way it should be, cooperate and communicate. Men stop hurting women and WOMEN stop hurting you men. When it comes down to it, I guess I want an ideal that obviously doesn't exist and I don't want to be the one to be on the outside looking in. However, as for as current situations and relationships go.... really, hey, guess what, it really isn't me - ITS YOU!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Some Things I'd Like to Yell @ Work

My favorites are highlighted.... ACLJ, watch out.....

1. I can see your point, but I still think you're full of shit.
2. I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.
3. How about never? Is never good for you?
4. I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.
5. I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to see it my way.
6. I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.
7. I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.
8. I don't work here. I'm a consultant.
9. It sounds like English, but I can't understand a damn word you're saying.
10. Ahhh...I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again.
11. I like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and stupid.
12. You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.
13. I have plenty of talent and vision; I just don't give a damn.
14. I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.
15. I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.
16. Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.
17. The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.
18. Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.
19. What am I? Flypaper for freaks!?
20. I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.
21. It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off.
22. Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
23. And your crybaby whiny-assed opinion would be...?
24. Do I look like a people person?
25. This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.
26. I started out with nothing & still have most of it left.
27. Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.
28. If I throw a stick, will you leave?
29. Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.
30. Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed.
31. I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.
32. A cubicle is just a padded cell without a door.
33. Can I trade this job for what's behind door ..1?
34. Too many freaks, not enough circuses.
35. Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?
36. Chaos, panic, & disorder-my work here is done.
37. How do I set a laser printer to stun?
38. I thought I wanted a career; turns out I just wanted a salary.
39. Who lit the fuse on your tampon?
40. Oh I get it... like humor... but different

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

No one is alone.....

My best friend and I have been talking about depression and she just so happened to write an email that explians basically what she is depressed about. I hope it is ok with her but I am going to repost that email. I am going to change the things that apply to me or things that don't apply to me but these are things that are there - that are always under the surface - that I want everyone to know so that you don't feel alone if you feel like this or if you don't feel like this to have a better understanding of why I do and what you can do to help me.

I really, really, really miss you guys. I am bored and frustrated and unmotivated. I don't know what to do with myself. You guys, I am so depressed. I don't remember the last time I felt this down or if I ever felt this down. I hate complaining because God has blessed me with so many things and so many opportunities. But the stress is getting to me.

First of all, I am seriously doubting myself when it comes to getting into law school. I am not the student I used to be, not meaning that I can't do the work - I just don't have the credentials. I dicked around in undergrad and now that I want to do graduate work and my law program, its going to be killer getting in. I am worried and scared. I think I might have to settle for some rink dink college and thats not me - middle of nowhere school. WM does not count as middle of nowhere. It is respected. I am talking noone has ever heard of it before middle of nowhere.

On top of that, staying home is scary becuase I don't want to continue into the same routine of life. I don't want to share an apartment. I don't want to be alone. I don't want to feel like I am stalking who ever else I know just so I don't have too much time to be alone and think. I don't want to hang out with people because they are always available. I don't want to give anymore advice on crazy people's relationships. I don't want to sneak around with men who are clearly not worth it. I don't want to have to go through the process of meeting new people and starting a new job. I don't want to be bored. I don't want to feel pissy because there is nothing exciting for me to do. I don't want to run into people in DC that I really don't want to see. I don't want to keep pretending that it doesn't suck to live so far away from everyone and I know one or two of you who live in other states can agree with this. I don't want to continue to be resentful of that fact either but I'll be damned if I keep caving and coming to DC. I don't want to start another relationship that is going no where. I don't want to enter another friends with benefits situation. And most of all, I don't want to worry about trying to be happy.

So, I don't think I have been this lonely ever. And I am going to be very explicit here. I feel like a loser. I realized that I totally suck at this dating game. I don't think I have ever had a serious boyfriend. All the while, I am 24 f*ckin years old and I have had multiple sex partners. Isn't that ridiculous? So, I am okay to have sex with but not to date. And the sad thing is that if something was wrong with me, like my vagina stunk, or I couldn't cook, or I was emasculating, or if it was something, something tangible, I would feel better. At least then I would know why no one is interested. But now, all I am left thinking is that I must be too fat or too ugly or uninteresting or something. There is some reason why men don't find me 'relationship' material and why they can only tell me there true feelings when it is too late, or why they are embarrassed to like me or something. I just want to know what is wrong with me.

And at this rate, with everyone getting married, I am feeling more vulnerable and pissy. Not only is everyone getting married, but even the most unlikely people have boyfriends. And generally, I just feel pathetic. Not that men are that important, but it kind of stinks being the single one. I always feel like 3rd or 5th wheel. I always feel like I am looking and I always feel like everyone else knows that I am looking and it is so embarrassing. Because then I might seem pressed (and maybe I am). But, at this point, I am not even trying to find marraige, I just want someone to want me or something.

And being here makes me feel like my biological clock is ticking. I know I am not ready right now for kids, but that is probably because no one even wants to make kids with me. And everyone here has kids or is trying to have kids or has plans to have kids in the recent future. And me, what am I doing? Planning to have children out of wedlock just so I have something that is my own you know? Becuase I don't forsee anyone making a commitment to me, so I would rather commit myself to my child.

And when will I find a job that I don't feel like shooting myself in the face when I go there every day. I hate authority but it is something that I will face at every job, everywhere.

In essence, I just don't know what to do with myself, how to do it, or sometimes if it's even really what I even want to do. Nothing has gone my way and its probably because I am a mean, lazy, selfish, unmotivated person. And I have tried so hard to overcome these traits, but I can't seem to shake them. And right now, I hate myself most becuase I don't even seem to have the will to continue trying to change.

And to top it off, the stress of all these thoughts is killing me. My body is breaking down. I am experiencing all sorts of stomach problems and sensitivity to foods. I am getting more vulnerable to all sorts of infections and viruses and illnesses. And in general, my body is fatigued. Not only am I sick, but my favorite great aunt has congestive heart failure and my grandmother has colon cancer. My grandmother will be going into surgery and these things are not light - its very invasive. Of course, this is stressing me out more.

Sorry guys, I know this is a lot of depressing shit to just put down. I don't want to make you guys sad or anything and I am really happy that things are going well for everone else. I just had to get it out because they are overwhelming me. But, I figured since I found out other people felt this way, I might as well put it out there. Hopefully it might touch one of you and you'll know that you aren't alone in these sentiments. Thanks for listening.....

Monday, May 15, 2006

Sides of Being a Woman

Mommies and Wives......

Those are words I am tired of hearing. No seriously. At my age, you can either dread them or embrace them. Right now, I am in the throes of dread. Dread because when, if ever, are either of these two going to be attainable? Dread because if it does happen, why do so many women stop being women and become So & so's Mom or Whatchamcallit's Wife? Dread because will it happen the wrong way - will I become pregnant and then some time down the road get married?

What brought all this on? Well three things really and in no particular order, the women at my job, an email from a friend, and a friend's haircut. My friend got a haircut and it looks fabulous. I really love it. I thought,"Thank God! She finally looks like *Susan and not just *Bobby's mother." And it's not that she doesn't dress age appropriate really or her hair before was bad at all. It's just that I was getting tired of her whole life being center around her kid. But IT IS HER LIFE. That's not her fault by any means but hey, we are the same age. I'd like to think we are the same kind of people - not totally but on basic levels. However, there has got to be more to life than your child and husband. I mean I never understood this about my mom until now but when we were little though my mom took care of us and we were much better raised than some of the kids now, she was rarely home. We were rarely home. She had a busy engaging life with her friends. I used to think we were a little neglected and maybe we were but if I had to choose my mom's way or my friend's way, I'd choose not to lose who I am in the reality of being a Mom or Wife. I want my friend to know that I value her and her opinons and I like the way she lives her life. It's for her. But the old saying is right. Its hard for single, and I would add unencumbered people, to hang out with married people. We sometimes just don't mesh well together. I want to enjoy being young and this time in my life - even though I am not, I am glad I am not bogged down with that other stuff so I have the option.

Can there be more to be a woman than just the end goal of being a wife or a mother? Do I challenge and push myself enough to make my other goals occur? Traditionally, society would push us to chose between the two but I would hope that there is a way to be both. The woman I am growing into and always have been AND adding on the woman I will be when I become a wife and/or mother. We don't have to be scared that we are going to totally lose ourselves or the things we have worked so hard to come through as a woman, the obstacles we have faced and beaten do not have to be traded in for aprons. We are more than what we appear and there are so many sides to being a woman, to being a human being.

We, along with our male counterparts, need to recognize that we can be mothers and wives and so much more....

Friday, May 12, 2006

I Enjoy Being A Girl...

I hate that commercial where Sarah Jessica Parker is singing that "I Enjoy Being A Girl" song and skipping all over some unnamed metropolitan town. Probably because I don't really care for Sarah Jessica Parker. She is UGLY. Don't let her fool you people. She has a horse face. Look back at the 1980's, she always played the frizzy haired sidekick girl, i.e. sidekick to Kevin Bacon's tall blond love in Footloose. She is NOT hot. Somehow because she up and married someone talented, she all of a sudden gets to be cute. Don't be fooled......

However, that is not what this blog is about. This blog is about me being cute. Sometimes you just gotta feel yourself, you know. You just have to have those days where you are feeling good and looking good. I mean the compliments on these days are great but only because if no one said anything, you'd still be like I look good and strut on with your bad self. There aren't too many of these days. Most days we feel like crud and for some people I know, makeup is the ONLY thing that saves them from really looking how they feel. However, when these days come along we are hoping that so does that guy we are looking for because for once we are all put together. Do we meet any guys on these days of unexpected diva-ness? Of course not.

Yet, we have to give ourselves credit ladies. When we got the new hair-do, the nails are looking right, the toes are looking right, the outfit is fitting like it's supposed to, we feel like the invincible divas we should always consider ourselves. Today was one of those days for me. I got a new outfit which you could check out if you know me on myspace or facebook. I got my hair braided a couple of weeks ago and I was wearing cute new shoes. I also can't forget to thank my new skin bronzer from Avon. Altogether it was a pretty killer combination. My skin was glowing and my smile was bright. I like those days. I like those days when you have taken extra time putting yourself together and it actually does come together.

It's hard, isn't it? Always having the motivation to do all that stuff. I mean don't you wish you could just roll out of bed looking fabulous without all the extra, extra effort. I mean even those of us who are naturally good looking, the extra steps you have to take to make yourself irresistible are time consuming and sometimes a little less rewarding than we would like them to be. On those days we expect everything to go right. We expect the doors to open for us and for opportunities to just fall in our laps. Yet the doors remained close and we get down about our goals. The extra effort does not seem to be worth it. We are tired of the game.

I got an email today from a girlfriend that I am going to blog about in a second in another blog that totally burst my blog bubble. Here I am writing about the day I felt pretty when I know that these days are too far and in between. Most of the time, I feel unaccepted and ugly. We women do not take the time to appreciate ourselves and call those women who pay attention to themselves self-centered and conceited. Yes there is an extreme to both sides but here I am marveling over ONE DAY where I felt really good about myself. I could fool myself into saying this happens more often but it really doesn't. Why is that? I don't know but I am gonna continue in my other blog. As for ending this one I would like to say, I attended a seminar about three weeks ago about being a D.I.V.A. I am now a card carrying DIVA and that means I am a D.etermined, I.ntangible, V.irtuous, and A.ppointed by God woman. This made me feel good, for that day. I need to start living up to my title. We all do. And not just every once in awhile, but we should have "I Enjoy Being A Girl' days a lot more often.