Tuesday, January 22, 2008


First real blog of "The Ocho" and I have to say that I am sad that I have been missing out on my fellow bloggers words of wisdom as of late.

But to the topic of this post... You know it is really sad that the moment I logged on instant messenger tonight - I said hello to a couple of people and began to dabble at peoples away mesages. Instantly I was inundated with questions of "Did you hear about Heath Ledger?!" Shock and awe this above average actor died of a not yet labeled "overdose." I do not mean to be callous - it is sad when anyone's life is loss but I feel a little bitter that I can barely get my friend's to pay attention to the minutia that is my life but Heath Ledge was in more than one bulletin and away message. It is slightly irritating and annoying that this in a month blip in the entertainment section and in a year, highlight in the 2008 countdown, monopolizes so much of people's time. And let me be cliche and throw in that there are people dying every day in a little place called Iraq and much more bravely than a spoiled "escape" from reality.

And finally, how dumb is this? I can't understand the Lindsay Lohan's and Amy Winehouse's and Heath Ledger's. Have you not learned anything from being in the business? Drugs are not the sh*t. Making your life into a pathetic "lessons learned" case is not the way you are going to get an everlasting tribute. You are not Hendrix or Lennon or Phoenix or Dean. Take a look at the sh*t show that is Britney Spears. Anything she ever did is not blown away by her current lifestyle.

So here's to Heath: that actor that played the joker and that gay cowboy who died of an overdose... doesn't sound very glamourous, huh?

For now I remain,

Irritatedly yours,

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