Monday, March 13, 2006

the Biological Clock





tic,toc, tic, toc, tic toc tictoctictoctictoc........

You get the picture. Recently my friend wrote a blog about her biological clock ticking and it got me to thinking. Yeah, it's that age. And yeah here we are ladies, sitting at a time in our lives where some of our parents (well at least mine) were well into parenthood. The natural progression of things and the circle of life continues to move forward.

However, times have changed. We've changed. While motherhood is welcomed for many of us - it's still put off. We want a freedom to be the woman we are before we have to change into our mothers. Its just how it is now. I have friends who were very, very excited about marriage and babies and the whole bit but now that they are married, I hear things for them like I need to do this before I get pregnant or me and my husband are waiting we are really not ready or I am bored and wish I had some other direction in life. So basically, how better off are they than I? They are just as confused and with another person in tow, that can't be any less complicated. I pray to God as my friend does that I will be sensible, that He will protect and direct me until some of the confusion and disorientation with just being a woman of now dies away. I pray that He will keep me until He reveals what He wants me to do. I let him know that I am repentant for my bad actions but hopefully he will protect me from some of the consequences such a pregnancy.

My friend and I discussed this. We have reached a point that adoption is a less than 1% option. Although the clock is ticking, we do want time to do it the right way. Because it will still be a long while before the clock stops - or at least I hope so.

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