Friday, June 12, 2009

What Overweight is Not

See here's the biggest problem I have with big people. Other big girls are my reasoning for losing weight. Its not because they are big or unattractive, its because they are sloppy. I am a firm believer that you can be beautiful at any size and what presents a major problem to me is that there are those people (women in general) think that being overweight or big is an excuse to look a hot ass mess. This is definitely not the case. And this does not mean you have to be dressed to the nines or a super expensive wardrobe, it just means being kept up. For instance....

- Since when did it become attractive to have fat rolls? I am pretty sure that even back in the day, they had corsets just for this reason to present a more pleasing body shape. Now while I am not condoning crushing your rib cage as a means to look thin, I am condoning the wearing of a girdle to look shapely. A muffin top is not attractive and why in the heck aren't you wearing your pants and your waist line anyway.....

-For my brothers, just because you are big does not mean you have to confine yourself to the long tee and jeans look. Please go ahead and step your game back up and spend the extra dollars needed to dress yourself as a grown man. Long tee and jeans is for the children - if you are thirty and you think this is a going out look, please do not holla...

-Clothing designers: Have ya'll lost ya damn minds? Let's not even start why you give big women they tightest, flimsiest material but then you turn around a charge $60 dollars for the shirt like you actually used that much extra fabric. Let me put you on to something... we don't need for our clothes to cost a million dollars and one of these days soon Lane B and Ashley, I am gonna run yall out of business with sensible, affordable, and appealing clothing for the big girl.

-General Hygiene for the ladies and the fellas: its summer time. Lets all please start checking ourselves right at the front door and more than once a day. If you know you are going to be out in the heat, prepare. Lets not look all sweaty( = not attractive.) Have an earthy odor (= not attractive.) Not keep the hair, the nails, and general appearance kept up. (Men this includes hair edged up, beards trimmed, and dreds locked tight.)

For these reasons, I think it is why society finds it easier to shun people who are a bigger size. A line in a movie I recently watched said, "People care about people who care about themselves." And while it was used in a different context in the film, I do find a kernel of truth in this. Please don't whine and complain that you can't find any one if you are not doing what is required to attract a quality mate. And these are just some general observations of the world around me. Cuz if I see one more big girl with a huge muffin top, many fat rolls, and tight as hell clothing on and then thinking she is the ish I am really, really going to snap! Let's take better care of ourselves people. These are seriously the things that being overweight is not....

For now I remain - shapely, sensationally yours,
Queen S

1 comment:

  1. lol. you are funny. i think the problem is people come in all shapes and sizes. some more appealing than others. but clothes are only made to fit one size and then we are told we all need to dress alike. so it ends up messing us up.
