Monday, June 05, 2006

A Real Update ... Finally

What have I been up to?

Tired of my sinister rants?

Well here is a true update on life and love my dears. I haven't truthfully been up to much. My grandmother just went into surgery on June 1st for her colon cancer. Thank to all of you, esp. Ms. Shillingford, who have been there for a pick me up and encouraging words. They have been truly appreciated. She is doing fine and called me on the phone this morning which is good, her being able to use the phone. She should be coming home from the hospital sometime later this week. For now, I have been housesitting her house with my sister, not that it really needs to be watched but that's ok - I get to watch cable! Not that there is ever anything on anyway.

Speaking of cable, movies - old and new - that I have seen recently. "Saved" starring Mccauley Caulkin and Mandy Moore is really very funny and is a must see. "The Butterfly Effect" starring Ashton Kutcher was strange but I liked it. "The Perfect Man" starring Hillary Duff and Heather Locklear was definitely cute and reminded me why I liked Hilary Duff AND her real weight. "X-Men 3" did not live up to its expectation but still an enjoyable summer blockbuster. "The DaVinci Code" (avec Mathieu and Greg) was perhaps a bit too cerebral for the big screen, where it succeeded as a book it failed as a film. "V for Vendetta" was, um, I am not sure I have words for yet. Ask me again in a week. I think I liked it.
What am I looking forward to? Superman a little more so and definitely, without a doubt Pirates of the Carribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest is my top movie of the summer - it has a lot ot live up to - I hope it doesn't dissapoint.

I joined a bowling team. Now not only do I work at a bowling alley but I am bowling in a league on Sunday nights for the summer. I am kind of excited. I ordered bowling shoes a couple of weeks ago. It should be tons of fun. I am bowling with three old guys. They needed a girl and I needed a team that didnt mind that I am going to really suck. However, according to them, its ok if I suck. My handicap helps the team. Hopefully being on the team will help me to actually improve. I am in a money league so there is potential for me to get some cash out of this! I'll let you know how it goes - my first bowl: this weekend.

Love life - same. Don't really feel like going into it. You want the details, email or call me.

My upcoming summer events - hanging out with an African or two, Fourth of July Beach Party of Love and Doom, the Bahamas on a cruise, boring August apparently (perhaps C-ville to see Marc Johnson), and a faboulous Labor Day excursion to New York City with a beautiful and talented Miss Lauren Walinsky!!!!! Can you tell I am little excited about that last one?!

I was about to say that was it but work is still abysmal. I mean nobody has blown up Pat yet and thats a crime. My work load keeps growing but my pay does not. Whoever heard of raises once a year? I mean I think I merit a raise for all the new stuff I have learned how to do. Whoever heard of a job where your job description do whatever your boss wants you to do? Such a crock! On a happier note, I still enjoy the women I work with whether it be for laughs with them or at them. I am becoming better friends with my young coworkers and one of them is having a baby. (Please see other posts where I rant about everyone and their mother being pregnant and popping out babies and getting married and all that crap).

Really cool thing to happen this week: Got back in touch with an old friend - Elizabeth McAdams, now Doyal, for those of you who know her. She is living in Fairfax with her two children and hubbie and apparently they are all doing quite well.

Song of the moment: actually a tie between two new fresh and funky little summer tunes by cute girls - Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado and The One You Need by Megan Rochelle.

I think that is all... if I forgot to tell you all about something - let me know and I will revise and repost.. for now, I remain,
Currently yours,

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